Sunday, 26 October 2014


Before I start this Blog post properly I would just like to say that I am sorry it has been so long since I have put up a post but I have been very busy with college and college work. I am going to try and make that change and my goal is to try and post at least once every two weeks. Also I want to say as a disclaimer that I am definitely not an expert in anything to do with anxiety but I just was to tell you my story and different ways I cope with it.

Anxiety; (definition) a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
To start off with I am going to tell you my story. 
I haven't suffered with anxiety for very long, in fact it has probably only been a few months. The way I found out I had anxiety was when I heard someone else talking about it and I realised that I have or do everything that they had mentioned. For example I sometimes get panic attacks. When I got my first panic attack I didn't know what was going on. The way the panic attack begun was when I felt I had a loss of breath and suddenly it felt like I couldn't breathe and I started to panic. I started to hyperventilate and everything felt like it was closing on me. Luckily it only lasted about 10 minutes. Since then I have only had two other panic attacks and luckily they weren't as bad. I have realised now that most of my panic attacks will start when I feel like I cant breathe. The best way I found with coping was to get my self out of the situation I was in when it started, also to go to somewhere that isn't crowded so I can have my own space. I also have dreams in which I will have a panic attack and it feels so real that I am not actually sure weather I am actually having a panic attack or not.

As some advice for if you suffer with anxiety or panic attacks is that you are not alone. There are so many people out there who suffer with the same thing. Also there are so many places you can find for help weather that be on the internet or from books or specialists.
Just remember you are not alone. 


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Make up Haul/Review

Hey guys, sorry it has been so long but here is another blog post for you. 
So today's blog post is another haul for you but this time its about a few different make up items I have purchased recently.

Barry M - Eyebrow Kit
The first item I purchased is this Barry M eyebrow kit. Recently I have been trying out a lot of different eyebrow products just so I can find something I am happy with. Before i found this product i had recently tried out the eyebrow kit that Benefit sell. It was at a quite high price of £24.50 and i was going to buy it but I am glad I didn't because i then came across the Barry M one and it was exactly the same and also came with a highlighter for your brow bone and it cost over half the price at only £5.99. When I first bought it I didn't realise that the brow powder shad was too dark. But if I lightly fill in my brows then it looks fine. Also I am not too sure if Barry M sell other shades for people with lighter hair colours such as my self, but if not then maybe they should bring a a lighter shade because I feel that not everyone with blonde or lighter hair that brown can pull off a strongly defined brow. But other than that I would highly recommend this product for people who are looking for a drugstore eyebrow kit.

Revlon - Colourburst Matte Balm (225)
 The next item I purchased was the Revlon colourburst matte balm in the shade 225. This product is very pigmented and although it is matte it is still very moisturizing unlike some matte products that are very drying on the lips. I found that the colour lasts quite a long time but if you eat whilst wearing it you will have to re-apply afterwards. Also they have a very nice scent. This product retails at £7.99 each.

Revlon - Photo Ready 3D Volume Mascara 
I am absolutely in love with this next product! Again from Revlon this mascara is amazing. The applicator is plastic but i normally prefer brush applicators. It makes your lashed long and voluminous without clumping your lashes. The only bad thing I have to say is that it leaves product on your upper eyelid after a few hours. Other than that it is brilliant. This product retails at £10.99.

Urban Decay - Naked Basics Palette

So the last Item I purchased was the Urban Decay Naked basics palette. I have been wanting to buy the original Naked palette for a long time but I am not too confident with eye shadows at the moment so I decided a better decision was to buy the Naked basics as all the colours are neutral and I feel it is a good high end palette for beginners using eye shadow. The colours in this palette are very pigmented and they apply really nicely. I definitely this is a product that I will repurchase once i have used it all. This product retails at £22.

So that is what I have purchased recently and I hope you enjoyed this post.
Thank you for reading!


Thursday, 28 August 2014

Lush Haul/Review

Hey everyone, so as you can see by the title I have a Lush haul/review for you today. I recently took a trip to Brighton and I happened to stumble upon a Lush shop. I don't have one in the town where I live so I picked up a few things.

This is what I purchased plus one more item which I forgot about when I took this photo.

Twilight - Bath Ballistic

So this is the Twilight Bath Ballistic and as you can see it is pink but don't be fooled by it's exterior because underneath the layer of pink you will discover it is in fact blue, which you will discover once it starts fizzing away in your bath.
Once the whole bath ballistic has dissolved the pink and the blue mix and turn the bath water purple and when you look closely you can see that there is also silver glitter in the water as well, so if you are not a fan of coloured or glittery baths I would not recommend this bath ballistic.
(Also as a little side note; your bath will have to be at quite a high temperature for the bath ballistic to work properly so if you only like warm baths instead of hot I would suggest that you fill your bath with hot water if you intend to use a bath ballistic and then let it cool down and get in when your bath is at the desired temperature)

Mint Julips - Lip Scrub

The next thing I am going to talk about is the Mint Julips Lips scrub. This is one of my all time favorite products from lush because I always seem to have very dry and chapped lips and when I use this alongside a moisturizing lip balm it works wonders. This is also actually my second purchase of this item. 

Butterball - Bath Ballistic

So this is the butterball bath ballistic and this has to be my favorite bath ballistic.

As you can see from this photo once the bath ballistic has dissolved it leaved behind these brown dots which actually seem to be oils that seep into your skin whilst you are bathing and when you come out of the water it leaves your skin feeling amazing. Also from the picture you can see that the bath ballistic does not change the colour so if you aren't a fan if colourful baths but you still want to use baths bombs then I highly recommend this for you.

Creamy Candy - Bubble Bar

The next thing I bought was the creamy candy bubble bar and as you can see from the picture above it is quite big so you can use it more than once. Also it is pink and turns the water slightly pink as well as adding lots of bubbles to your bath and leaving your bathroom smelling soooo good. So if you enjoy bubble baths I would recommend this for you. If you are not familiar as to how a bubble bar works it is really simple. Most bubble bars from lush are large in size so often you do not have to use the whole thing in one bath, if this is the case cut or break a bit off and then all you need to do is crumble it under the tap and watch the bubbles appear.

Dragon's Egg - Bath Ballistic

The last item I bought was the dragons egg bath ballistic. As you can see from the picture it is just plain white on the inside but once it starts fizzing away in the water you will see that the core is orange.
Also there is popping candy is this bath ballistic so as it is fizzing away you will hear some snap, crackle and pop's. Finally this bath ballistic has a very fine glitter that may stay on your body once out of the water but it also leaves your body smelling delicious.

Okay guys, thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave a comment suggesting things you would like to see on my blog and also follow so you can be the first to see a new post.


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

An Introduction To My Blog

Hey guys, before I post my first proper blog I thought I would make a little intro blog to let you know a little bit about me and the sort of things I will be posting in the future.

So to start off with, Hi my name is Hannah and I am 17 years old. The reason I decided to start up this blog was because I was bored one day and the idea just popped into my head. I have always enjoyed writing about things and I have always really been into English at school so I thought this would be the perfect idea for combining my love of English and writing and also allowing me to be creative with it.

I have a lot of different ideas for blog posts that I will do in the future and they are all different kinds of things so as a little disclaimer my blog isn't just based on one thing such as beauty or fashion so you can expect many different things when you visit my blog (Although I may include blogs to do with fashion and beauty as well). I am not too sure yet as to how often I will be posting but once I am all set up I would like to be posting at least every two weeks but I don't want to promise anything as I will going back to college soon. Also if I have a blog post that has a lot of content it might take me longer to put together so if there are not many posts hopefully it will be because I have a big one coming up.

So I hope you guys enjoy what is to come and thank you for reading