Tuesday, 26 August 2014

An Introduction To My Blog

Hey guys, before I post my first proper blog I thought I would make a little intro blog to let you know a little bit about me and the sort of things I will be posting in the future.

So to start off with, Hi my name is Hannah and I am 17 years old. The reason I decided to start up this blog was because I was bored one day and the idea just popped into my head. I have always enjoyed writing about things and I have always really been into English at school so I thought this would be the perfect idea for combining my love of English and writing and also allowing me to be creative with it.

I have a lot of different ideas for blog posts that I will do in the future and they are all different kinds of things so as a little disclaimer my blog isn't just based on one thing such as beauty or fashion so you can expect many different things when you visit my blog (Although I may include blogs to do with fashion and beauty as well). I am not too sure yet as to how often I will be posting but once I am all set up I would like to be posting at least every two weeks but I don't want to promise anything as I will going back to college soon. Also if I have a blog post that has a lot of content it might take me longer to put together so if there are not many posts hopefully it will be because I have a big one coming up.

So I hope you guys enjoy what is to come and thank you for reading

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