Saturday, 18 July 2015


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog.
I would first like to start with another apology (I seem to always be apologizing), I said in my last post that I was working on two new blog posts but unfortunately I was unable to use my camera whilst I was on holiday to be able to create these two posts. I could have used photos from my phone but I didn't feel they were good enough quality for my blog.

Now to get into this post. As you can see by the title I am going to be talking about goals today. No I do not mean the type you score in football or the type where you aspire to be like cute couples in photos (OMG GOALLSS!), I am talking about the kind you set yourself to meet. A target if you will. I have decided that over the summer I am going to set myself some goals. My reasons for this are because at the moment I am not doing much with my life so I want to set myself some goals so I can get up and do something over the summer.

Goal no.1 - My first goal is to get back in to a decent and healthy sleeping pattern. For a long time my sleeping pattern has been all over the place. For example, it is currently 7:37 in the morning on a Saturday and for a normal teenager (unless you are an early bird, which I am not) its not very usual to be up this early. But the truth is, I haven't even been to sleep yet. Because I don't have a set daily routine or a job (for the time being) to wake up for I am constantly sleeping in to ridiculous hours of the late morning or early afternoon, which then has a domino effect. This means that at night time when everyone else is asleep I am sat in bed (either on my phone or laptop) wide awake. So sometimes it seems logical in my head to stay awake all night so that I can help get back into a routine. So from now on I am going to try and not sleep past 10:30 in the morning and not go to bed later than 12:30 at night.

Goal no.2 - My next goal is to have a more healthy lifestyle. If I am totally honest, I am not completely happy with my body image and it is about time I make a difference. So from this point on I have decided to at least once a week for now (I am making realistic goals so they are not to hard to reach, I can always add to or create new goals in the future) to take my dog for a walk in the morning to help me wake up a bit and just to add some sort of exercise/fitness into my life. I am also going to stop eating so much junk food and try to regulate and make a routine for meals as I currently only have one whole meal a day and a few snacks.

Goal no.3 - More blog posts. Now I know I have said that I will upload more posts many times before but I am going to as much as I can to upload more content. I am not going to give a specific number or regularity but I just want to work on more. I have many ideas that I would like to do and I admit it would probably be so much easier creating a YouTube channel to do so but I am not looking for an easy option and I am not ready to go to that social network platform just yet. But who knows what the future brings.

Goal no.4 - My last goal is to do with my education. I will be turning 18 very soon. 38 days to be exact. But I am still in education. Starting in September I will be in my last year of studying travel and tourism. I have also been studying the subject for the past to years as well. The reason I am setting this goal is because I was disappointed in myself for the outcome of my second year. I did not put the effort into my work and the outcome was a low grade in my work. It is going to take a lot of hard work to reach the final grade I want but I am willing to work for it. I am also hoping to get a job soon as well.

So those are my goals for the moment and I am sure I will add to the list. Let me know if you are going to set yourself any goals by leaving a comment below. Thank you again for reading (quite a long post as well)


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